Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The prettist sight was Chateau Thierry

June 30, 1945

Dear Family,
Guess these are my first lines since I've been in my new home. Left Paris on Monday 25th I believe I told you Co. Dietrich and two boys came down to pick us up. You should have seen me helping the boys load the cases of gin and champagne onto the truck. We rode in the back of a truck and all the liquor was transported in a small trailer behind. The roads were terribly bumpy and we were all sure the bottles would be smashed. We had an anniversary party that night at the Officers Club.

The ride from Paris to Rheims was very pretty after we once left the towns. Frans seems to have so many plains. One can see for miles and miles over flat land. The prettiest sight of all was Chateau Thierry. If you remember there were great battles fought there during the last was (WWI). A beautiful monument has been erected by the Americans and the French and it is built on a high hill overlooking the town of Chateau Thierry and the surrounding countryside. We stopped there and ate some sandwiches Red Cross gave us and I took a few pictures which I will send as soon as they are developed.

The hospital now is located in a redeployment area. Perhaps you have read of these in the newspapers. Divisions of troops are being sent to the USA and CBI and they go through what is known as Assembly Areas. If any have any medical complaints they are hospitalized and sent to surrounding hospitals. There are ten hospitals where we are. The boys are treated and then sent on. All this is supposed to take until Nov 1st to finish.

We passed by a few of the Assembly Area Camps. Everyone was so pleased to see us when we called in at the club Monday night. We were flattered and sincerely amazed to think we had been so missed!

Fifteen of our nurses had left for another camp (a mile away) awaiting assignment to the CBI. Ruth, a nurse Harriet and I have been friendly with and had planned a number of things to do together had left. We were disappointed at that but have seen her since.

I'll cut this letter short here and start another - my, but I can "chatter on" can't I?

Love to all.

PS Am enclosing clippings re Redeployment Areas.
Camp Pittsburgh is mentioned - that's where Ruth is."


See WikiPedia for more info about the
WWI battle at Chateau Thierry.
NOTE: CBI - China Burma India (theater of military operation)

Chateau-Thierry: Overview and the Defense of the Marne River Line

Battle of Château-Thierry (1918) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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